Ten to Men: Insights report released.

When this old world starts getting me down… Everything is all right (up on the roof).

The Ten to Men Longitudinal Study on Male Health involved a sample of almost 16,000 men and boys ranging in age from 10 – 57 years.   It follows participants over time and aims to fill gaps in knowledge about why males on average have poorer health outcomes than females, and why certain groups of males have poorer health than males in general.   The study is being conducted by researchers at the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.    

A chapter has recently been published focusing on the mental health of men of different ages and their health care use.  It explores depression among males of all ages, the prevalence of suicide, and how loneliness may affect these experiences.  With COVID-19 continuing to impact the way we live, work and socialise, AIFS Director Anne Hollonds said it was more important than ever for Australian men to be reaching out and seeking support when they needed it:  “That’s why we need to encourage the men in our lives to share what they are experiencing and let them know that it’s not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength – to open up about depression, anxiety or loneliness. Trusted family and friends can also help men to find the right mental health support services. We all need help sometimes, and that’s OK,”

Ten to Men is a major national research project and its findings are expected to improve programs and policies for all Australian males.

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