Business Start-Up IP Essentials

When starting a new business there are a range of factors that should be considered in order to best protect the new business’ intellectual property and goodwill.

There is often tension between establishing the intellectual property protection measures of a new start up and the costs associated with intellectual property protection in the initial start-up phase of the business. A start-up will need to protect its fundamental essentials without significant expense that would otherwise be better invested in the initial capital of the business. Therefore, there are three (3) essentials for any business start-up that should be considered:

  1. Domain name registration,
  2. Business name registration,
  3. Trademark registration.

At a bare minimum, the above three (3) intellectual property protection measures will provide a minimum level of protection for your start up business without undue expense and allow you the framework to build your business and address more comprehensive intellectual property protection measures when it becomes clear the start-up is a viable venture. Please contract Lachlan Page of our office to discuss our fixed fee intellectual property essential start up package for your new business venture.

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