If a family member or friend has died and you are the nominated executor of a Will or if the person has died without a Will, a grant of probate or letters of administration is often needed to legally transfer ownership of the deceased assets to the beneficiaries name in the Will. Obtaining a grant of probate and administrating an estate can be a difficult time for family and beneficiaries. We are skilled at advising in relation to administration of estates whether a Will exists or not. We take the time to explain the process involved. As a firm, we have been assisting clients with estates for over 40 years and have accumulated a wealth of experience to help solve any problems which may arise. Typical problems which have arisen in the past include problems with homemade Wills, beneficiaries dispute with each other, claims against the estate, unusual assets and changed legal names.
The Wills, Estates & Trusts team is headed by Practice Group Leader, Cavelle Lindsay. The team includes the expertise of Consultant Robert Lindsay, Consultant Felicity Wardhaugh and Solicitor Jan Soriano.
For more information, please contact us.