If you’re moving into an aged care home, you may have to pay a means tested care fee and accommodation costs. The means test will determine the amount you need to pay towards your accommodation costs.
The means test takes into account all income sources, including superannuation, investments, and employment income. The maximum income amount to be eligible for a full pension is currently $190 per fortnight for single individuals and $336 per fortnight for couples combined.
The pension gradually reduces for income received above this limit.
The asset test reviews all asset types held in your name and may impact the amount which is paid to you. The maximum asset limit to be eligible for a full pension is currently $280,000 for single individuals and $419,000 (combined) for couples.
The pension gradually reduces for those with assets above this limit.
It’s important to note that the means and asset tests for the Aged Care Pension can be complex and may vary depending on a range of factors. We suggest you seek advice from an aged care financial advisor for more specific information for your individual circumstances.
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