Taking stock, new decade, new documents?

We are entering a new decade with hope for the future – a perfect opportunity to consider updating old documents. Given the upheaval in 2020 a lot may have changed for you. Have you married your long term partner? Have you left a relationship? Have children been born? Have you retired from work or been made redundant? Have your children left home or returned home? Have you bought or sold real estate? Is your business in difficulty or have sales increased? Have you fallen out with family members? It is quite common, for example, for long term partners to marry without realising that marriage has revoked the Will previously made. Similarly, new business arrangements mean new documents should be in place to reflect the changes made. It makes sense to seize the opportunity which a new decade brings and to locate your legal documents and consider if recent changes may mean you need to make changes.  

Contact us at Mullane & Lindsay to discuss your existing documents and we will help you assess whether revisions are needed. We will not suggest expensive changes for no reason but we can help you go into 2021 with peace of mind.

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