A Call to Family Lawyers

The Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, the Hon Justice Alstergren recently addressed the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia (FLS), calling upon all family law practitioners to make a positive contribution to create a world-leading family law system; “one that the people of Australia and future generations of Australians deserve.”

Our Specialist Family Law Team of solicitors, Ashleigh John, Catherine Williams, Rose Laffan and Mark Sullivan are each members of the FLS, and have active roles in our local legal and family law related community groups.  We are part of the Chief Justice’s vision and are ready to apply our experience and skills to meet the “unprecedented changes” and challenges the family courts and our clients face.

The new Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia commences operation on 1 September 2021. The Chief Justice states, “The legislation and the structural reform that will result presents the most significant change to the family law system since the commencement of the Family Law Act in 1975…In the exercise of its jurisdiction the new court will continue to have a statutory obligation to have regard to the need to protect the rights of children, to promote their welfare, and protect them from family violence…As a result of the merger there will be over 100 judges in the amalgamated Court, dealing with family law and the general federal law filings the Federal Circuit Court currently receives, across 43 locations around the country.”  

We will keep you informed of progress.

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