3 things your need to do in January 2021

January is the month for planning and organisation. New Year’s resolutions have been made and you are now planning for the rest of the year.

Now is the time to consider whether you need or review any of the following 3 documents: – Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Appointment of Enduring Guardian.

A Will is a document which appoints one or more persons to deal with your assets and affairs after you have passed away. You can leave specific gifts, part or your entire estate to whomever you choose in your Will.

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document whereby you appoint one or more persons to help you manage your legal and financial affairs. This can operate immediately, when a doctor considers you need assistance managing your affairs or when your attorney considers you need assistance managing your affairs. If you appoint your attorney immediately, this does not impinge your rights to manage your own legal and financial affairs, simply that someone else can assist you.

An Appointment of Enduring Guardian is a document whereby you appoint one or more persons to help you decide where you live, health care, medical and dental treatment you receive and any other personal services when you are unable to make these decisions for yourself. These decisions can also extend to end of life decisions.

If you need 1 or all 3 of these documents prepared, please contact the solicitors at Mullane & Lindsay to discuss your estate plan and we will assist you with the preparation of these documents.

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