International Women’s Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women to help inspire people to act in the ongoing fight for gender equality.
This year’s theme is #BreakTheBias which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more inclusive and gender-equal world.
Mullane & Lindsay’s Rose Laffan is leading our firm’s direction towards achieving this vision.
Will you help break the bias?
Will you help break the bias? That is what is being asked this International Women’s Day – and I think it is a great question.
Bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead in every aspect of their lives. Whether it is deliberate or unconscious, articulated or unspoken, open or implicit – bias is everywhere.
We don’t have to look very far to uncover bias in communities, workplaces and schools. It shows itself in things such as advertising for a role in a specific gendered way, through to day-to-day assumptions as to who will organise an event or attend to caring roles within an organisation.
At Mullane & Lindsay we have been thinking about gender bias for a few years now. We are fortunate to have impressive females at all levels of our organisational structure – which is great for both our workplace and also how we interact with our community. However, bias issues can still arise.
Our practice has implemented a gender language project where we focus on ensuring that the language used in our daily conversations and communications, whether they are inside the office or with people in the wider community, are neutral in terms of gender.
We have also introduced a gender-inclusivity system. This is where we are considering gender – especially biases – in terms of everything we do; from workplace practices and behaviours right through to our interaction with our community.
I am extremely proud of the support and level of engagement here at Mullane & Lindsay in tackling and breaking bias. This year’s International Women’s Day theme goes a long way to ensure the conversation keeps going.
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination Together we can break the bias.